Student Essay Competition 2017-2018

Winning Essays
Our “Champions For Change” winners who participated in PRUDE Inc.’s “Valuing Our Differences” presentations during the 2017-18 school year are Ali Alabdo, Gr. 8 Forest Hills School, and Joseph Andreani, Gr. 8 Rothesay Park School.
Thank you to all teachers and students who participated. Together, we can make a difference!
1st Prize

Ali Alabdo
Grade 18 Forest Hills School
“We often draw stereotypes from our personal experiences. Stereotypes are woven in our minds based on our experiences, sometimes positive and sometimes negative, but in both cases it in not true, because it circulates facts that may not apply to everyone.”
2nd Prize

Joseph Andreani
Grade 8 Rothesay Park School
“These workshops help us remember that everyone is different in their own ways, and we should celebrate these differences.”