Newcomer Women Leadership Program

A six-week program to help newcomer women develop their skills & create community connections

  • Become an effective leader
  • Drive personal and professional growth​
  • Boost your emotional intelligence​
  • Unlock your potential​
  • Overcome barriers​
  • Leverage your strengths​

Program's Vision

To empower and support newcomer women in developing their leadership skills and confidence, build strong community connections and to create a network of support and mentorship among participants.

Program's Mission

A society where newcomer women are fully included and able to contribute their unique perspectives and leadership to their communities.

What We Can Do For You

Provide high-quality training and resources
to help you develop your leadership skills and confidence.

Connect you with mentors and other supportive individuals to facilitate your personal and professional growth.

Create a safe and inclusive space for you to share your experiences and learn from other participants.

Promote the participation and leadership of newcomer women in community organizations and decision-making processes.

What We Can Do For You

Become an effective leader
Drive personal and professional growth
Boost your emotional intelligence
Unlock your potential
Overcome barriers
Leverage your strengths

What We Can Do For You

Are you thinking of equipping your team with DEI knowledge? Our Fundamental Session  focuses on cultural diversity, equity, behaviour identification, and awareness .

Are there any issues on your team that concern you? Our Teambuilding sessions focus on creating inclusive workplaces and communities.

  • Recruiting, Retaining, and Promoting Culturally Different Employees
  • Cultural Personalities-Values
  • “Elephants are big” approach

Our team of certified diversity coaches places great value on teaching cross-cultural communication that guides leaders in applying a DEI approach to their to their team management.


Why do you need our DEI training?
You have probably invested in training for your team to help them accomplish their daily tasks. But some issues lie beneath the surface; issues involving gender, ethnicity, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical and mental ability can affect team performance, if they are not resolved. Our DEI training will be integrated into your mission and workplace culture with the goal of promoting an environment of tolerance and understanding among your team.

Sector Specialty: Factory & Trucking, Customer Service, Social Services, Health Services, Education

We will examine human natural historic tendency, the equality movement etc. to be able to harness diversity positively.

We will take a further look at your process to make sure it is set up to allow people with differences may still be perfectly suitable for.

We can also help you to build association for different groups support such as:

  • African-Canadian
  • Hispanic
  • Asian
  • women
  • African-Canadian women
  • gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual
  • military veterans.

We offer a creative game session, which is a self-reflective thought exercise that helps participants examine who they are and how they do what they do. In addition, our guest speakers engage in role-play exercises to help examine communication styles and gaps.

We offer a pool of guest speakers who are skilled in both storytelling and inspiring people. They can provide speeches, performances and–if requested–food for training sessions.

Who Do We Speak To?

Newcomer Women

Our Six-Year Impact

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Volunteers Guest Speakers
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Organizations for Business Tours
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Community Engagement
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Workshops and Learning Activities
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About Program Coordinator

Christine Eruokwu

Christine Eruokwu is a Nigerian-born entrepreneur and educationist with more than a decade of successful experience in teaching and the management of education-based social enterprises. She holds an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Technology Management (ETM) from the University of New Brunswick Saint John.

Christine specializes in the application of business solutions to social problems. A passionate believer in the societal gains embedded in the empowerment of the girl child, she founded Kaima Designs, an African-inspired trendsetting clothing brand which is at the forefront of supporting the education of the girl child.

In 2021, she co-founded United Colours of Fashion, a non-profit which was initiated to promote engagement and collaboration among fashion creatives and enthusiasts of diverse backgrounds, while providing training and mentorship to individuals seeking a career in the fashion industry.

Christine is a changemaker who loves her city and utilizes every opportunity to engage with community members on issues that affect women, youth and newcomers in New Brunswick.

Register for the Program

Registering for this amazing workshop is easy — just follow the steps below. And if you need more assistance, contact our Program Coordinator.

  1. Clicking on that “Register Now” button
  2. Fill out the form
  3. Clicking on that “Submit” button


The Newcomer Women Leadership Program has broadened my knowledge of the environment, Canadian work culture and so many other things.

Yetunde Jadesola Adetona, Participant NWLP

The Newcomer Women Leadership Program has helped me be more aware of myself and make decisions without feeling sorry about my choices.


Let Us Know What You Think

Contact Our Program Coordinator

Thank You To Our Funders & Supporters
